call for ideacity new orleans rockefeller fellows

IdeasCity New Orleans invites makers and thinkers from around the world to join a week-long studio program to prototype cultural, ecological, and material strategies designed for the 2019 theme of Everyday Festival. Up to 20 applicants will be selected as Fellows by an international panel of artists and curators.

IdeasCity New Orleans Rockefeller Fellows will work alongside the Propeller Incubator in New Orleans, the annual New Orleans Homecoming Project, and the newly relaunched New Orleans African American Museum to explore the possibilities of the festival as a creative platform for environmental justice, new ideas, and urban space.

Fellows will be expected to collaborate on a proposal and prototype for a festival related to everyday urbanism—groceries, streetwear, pedicabs, stormwater management, roof maintenance, fish fries, wind energy, incarceration, asphalt, air quality, local plant species, or other topics.

Beyond the Fellows’ own projects, the five-day studio residency will also include festival-related workshops, site visits, lectures, and discussions with local experts, including artists, designers, policymakers, and community members.

For further info, please visit

Image: Fellows at IdeasCity Detroit, 2016, Photo: Justin Milhouse